Beijing ChinLuck Technology Co., Ltd, founded in 2013, is a supplier of customized solutions and products in aeronautic and astronautic industries. Specialize in aviation, aerospace and locomotive, we cooperate with the world's outstanding suppliers, provide solutions and products.
        We mainly supply high-end materials, sensors, space and ground precision mechanism, space and ground precision optics. We will provide excellent solutions and products to the customer, contributing ourselves to China's aeronautic and astronautic industries.
        We have professional sales, technical team, customized solutions, a real bridge-builder between the world excellent manufacturers and customers for technical exchanges and communication.
        ChinLuck is the authorized distributor of AAC, ADR, ISP, Zoppas, ACKTAR.

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Address:Room3409,Building No.3,Zique Road No.33, Zhongguancun Environmental Protection Science and Technology Park, Haidian District, Beijing, China,100095
Tel:+86 10-80772612-801 FAX:+86 10-80772612-803
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